USC Podcast: RoT Radio Ep. 381 on Signs of Pac-12 Football’s Return

Reign of Troy's USC podcast discusses the latest Trojan news.
Reign of Troy's USC podcast discusses the latest Trojan news.

Reign of Troy Radio’s USC podcast is back to discuss the wild developments of the Pac-12 being on the brink of returning to play football.

Things are happening and Reign of Troy Radio’s USC podcast is back with co-hosts Michael Castillo and Alicia de Artola reacting to the developments leading to the Pac-12’s return to play football this fall.

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What’s in store with this USC podcast:

  • Michael and Alicia begin the episode by walking through the timeline of a wild Wednesday that saw the Big Ten conference announce their intentions of returning to play football, while the Pac-12 and local officials went back and worth before reaching a virtual green light.
  • With football about to return, RoT discusses the significance of the return amid a global pandemic and whether or not the timeline could match the other Power Five conferences.
  • Lastly, the show opens up the mailbag with a voicemail from Scott in Memphis.

Looking for more of Reign of Troy Radio’s USC podcast? You’re in luck. Bonus episodes are featured on Patreon, including Alicia de Artola’s news-centric 2nd & Short Show, along a challenging USC trivia game show Only SConnect and so much more.

You can get all of RoT Radio’s bonus episodes plus ad-free versions of the main episodes together in your favorite podcast app for as little as $5.55 per month.

Looking to get in touch with the show? Need to have your voice heard? Email the podcast at reignoftroy [at] FanSided [com] or dial into the Reign of Troy Rant Line at 213-373-1872.

