Reign of Troy Radio’s USC podcast is back with no Trojan Game Week to discuss, but plenty to talk about.
After a week off, the Reign of Troy USC podcast returns to your feed to catch up on all the twists and turns as the Trojans shut down workouts and the Big Ten ponders a return.
Join co-hosts Michael Castillo and Alicia de Artola as they discuss the unfortunate injection of politics into the college football debate and answer mailbag questions.
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What’s in store with this USC podcast:
- Michael and Alicia open the show marking the start of what should have been Alabama Game Week. Is there a disconnect between sports and reality right now? Is it really the start of September?
- Instead of talking through matchups and season opener excitement, the RoT co-hosts get into the politicization of COVID-19 and college football. Should college football be getting help from the government to bring back Big Ten football this fall?
- On the actual football side of things, Jay Tufele has opted out of any upcoming season to focus on the 2021 NFL Draft. Where does that leave USC’s defensive line depth chart?
- The show closes, as always, with a mailbag looking at transfers from conferences that aren’t playing to conferences that are and more.
The best way to support Reign of Troy is to continue listening this fall. There may be no Trojan football, but we’re still keeping the episodes coming your way. Get extras on Patreon where we will keep producing bonus episodes like Only SConnect, the nerdy USC game show based on the BBC quiz show Only Connect. Inclusion in Club 55 gets you that and more for $5.55 per month.
Take your support up a notch by joining the RoT Crew. For $10 per month you get bonus episodes and access to our private Slack channel. There you can chat with the hosts and a bunch of other awesome USC fans about football, life, food and more.
The mailbag is always open for your submissions. Shoot us an email through reignoftroy[at]fansided[dot]com or call the Reign of Troy Rant Line at 213-373-1872 to share your thoughts, comments or questions. You can also find us on social media. Get involved now!