USC Podcast: RoT Radio Ep. 377 on Pac-12 Unity and the new schedule

Reign of Troy's USC podcast discusses the latest Trojan news.
Reign of Troy's USC podcast discusses the latest Trojan news.

Reign of Troy Radio’s USC podcast is back to talk about the Pac-12 player unity movement and the COVID-affected schedule.

Reign of Troy co-hosts Michael Castillo and Alicia de Artola have more than enough to talk about in this week’s 108-minute USC podcast.

Tune in to hear discussions on the Pac-12 players’ #WeAreUnited campaign as well as a look at the new conference-only schedule.

Turn up the volume and click that play button.

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What’s in store with this USC podcast:

  • The show opens with a discussion of the ultimate bubble pipe dream for college football.
  • The news begins with the big story of the week: #WeAreUnited. What are the Pac-12 players asking for? Which USC players are involved? And what does it all mean for college football?
  • The Pac-12 released a new 2020 schedule just before the weekend, so its time to look closer at USC’s new slate. Michael and Alicia debate the probability of a 6-0 start and more.
  • As usual, the show finishes with a mailbag covering topics like NCAA leadership, College Football Playoff scenarios and managing COVID-19 in college football.

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Be part of the weekly mailbag by sending in your questions to the show. You can reach us by phone at the Reign of Troy Rant Line, 213-373-1872, or by email to reignoftroy[at]fansided[dot]com.

