Reign of Troy Radio’s USC podcast is back to cover Daniel Imatorbhebhe’s transfer, a new commit and more.
Ready for another edition of the Reign of Troy USC podcast?
Co-hosts Alicia de Artola and Michael Castillo return with a look at the lastest coronavirus pandemic updates, Daniel Imatorbhehbe’s transfer decision and the commitment of Prophet Brown.
Put on those headphones and hit play!
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What’s in store with this USC podcast:
- Michael and Alicia open the show talking about biscotti and Ferris Buehler’s Day Off, but quickly transition to the news of the day. Specifically, it’s time to say goodbye to the “Ay Bhe Bhe” drop as Daniel Imatorbhebhe put his name in the transfer portal.
- What’s the latest on the coronavirus pandemic front? CIF announced the delay of the high school football season to winter. The Pac-12 is going conference-only. And Cal is going online-only for the Fall semester.
- In good news, USC has a new commit! Four-star running back/cornerback Prophet Brown is the latest to jump on board the Trojan recruiting class of 2021.
- As always, the show concludes with a mailbag. Just how good is USC’s defensive line? Who will be the breakout defensive player this year? And why exactly is Imatorbhebhe transferring?
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