Reign of Troy Radio’s USC podcast returns to breakdown and preview USC’s biggest game of the season, this Saturday night against the No. 7 Oregon Ducks.
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The season is on the line for USC when they welcome Oregon to the Coliseum, so co-hosts Michael Castillo and Alicia de Artola take the bulk of an 85-minute episode discussing the matchup.
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What’s in store with this USC podcast:
- The show opens with some quick injury updates before Michael and Alicia get into the meat of the discussion. What do the “football reasons” say about this game? There’s some disagreement with the host, on believing the football reasons favor Oregon, the other USC.
- Michael regained control of the Over/Under competition last week. So this week’s Over/Under wagers hold some added pressure. Topics include turnovers, rushing totals and passer rating.
- As always, Michael and Alicia make their predictions for the game.
- The show ends with a mailbag, specifically a second take on the mailbag questions which were lost in the great technical difficulties of the USC-Colorado Fallout episode. What do Michael and Alicia have to say about existential crises, Kedon Slovis’ future and more?
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Another game approaches, which means the Rant or Rave Line is ready for your call. Dial in to 213-373-1872 and leave us a message with your thoughts before, during or after the game. We’ll include it in our weekly Rant Line montage. Or pose a question for the mailbag.
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