Current and Former USC Players React to Josh Shaw

In the era of social media, nothing happens without Twitter coming along for the ride commenting all the way.

Such was the case with the Josh Shaw saga, though there was a noted absence of commentary from USC players with regard to the initial story and the ensuing controversy.

That has changed with the news that Shaw has come clean and has admitted his lie to the world

Former tight end Xavier Grimble expressed disbelief about Shaw’s actions:

Silas Redd, former running back who is now with the Washington Redskins, similarly called the lie coming from Shaw unexpected:

Alex Holmes, the two-time national champion tight end, who was one of the few current and former Trojans to comment on the original tale needed just two words to describe his feelings:

Sean Salsbury, the former Trojan quarterback, called for consequences beyond a suspension:

Former Trojan cornerback Torin Harris meanwhile preached the importance of moving on after mistakes:

Taylor Ashton, a former walk-on cornerback from 2010 to 2011, also urged the Trojans not to dwell:

Former offensive lineman Kevin Graf, who is currently with the Philadelphia Eagles, encouraged USC to rally:

Finally, current starting safety Su’a Cravens has pledged to use the situation to add fuel to the fire:

