Alright gang, it’s time to board the Twitter Express! Join us while we peruse some of the best bits from your favorite Trojans. Remember, retweets are not endorsements, and neither are embeds. So punch your tickets, and let’s get this show on the road:
Solid idea, Mr. Colbert
Preach, Mr. McDonald
Neither can we, Mr. Miller. Maybe we should get some replacement eyes?
#ISeeWhatYouDidThere #HappyGilmoreVoice
Excellent point, Mr. Colbert.
But actually.
Indeed it will.
That would’ve been somethin’, Mr. Holmes.
Welp. Alright then, Mr. Allen.
Just might be, Mr. Kusnir.
Yep. So much extra effort went into that win, Mr. Bradford.
And now,the winner of TWEET.OF.THE.DAY:
Thanks, SportsCenter. We appreciate the love.